Fair4All Cards and the new Covid-19 Variant

Fair4All Card explains adjustments and exemptions needed

Fair4All Cards and the new Covid-19 Variant

Here at BuDS we know that the emergence of new Covid variants and a move back to mandatory face masks may be alarming for some disabled people. We would like to take this opportunity to remind you that we have the Fair4All Card and Social Distance lanyards to help you ask for what you need and prove that you are legally entitled to reasonable adjustments and exemptions from Covid-19 regulations.

Our Fair4All Card can be used to help explain the exemptions and adjustments you need. While we now have a wide range of other adjustments for a variety of disabilities and conditions, the Fair4All Card began as a scheme to help with Covid-19. This hasn’t changed. Whether you struggle with the increased queues for shops due to social distancing measures, or you are exempt in law from wearing a mask, or something else entirely, the Fair4All Card can help you.

We also introduced our Social Distance lanyards in October to help disabled and clinically vulnerable people explain to others that they still need to maintain social distancing. With the emergence of new Covid variants this is more important than before. Our Social Distance lanyards are offered in conjunction with the Fair4All Card to ensure the same legal criteria are met to make sure that only people who are legally entitled to the lanyards receive one.

To apply for a card and lanyard, please visit https://fair4all.org.uk/apply-for-a-card/.

If you have any questions about the Fair4All Card Scheme or our Social Distance lanyard, please do get in touch. You can comment on this post, email us via fair4allcard@buds.org.uk or leave us a voicemail on 01494 211179.

While BuDS recommends that everyone avoids unnecessary travel and indoor places, we know that sometimes these journeys are unavoidable. That’s why we have created these schemes – they are by disabled people, for disabled people. If you are struggling during this difficult time, BuDS also has support on offer through our BuDDies scheme and you can find out more here: https://buds.org.uk/about-buds-buddies/ Of course, please do stay Covid careful whatever you choose to do.